James Janusz 2000 thru 2025 All Rights Reserved |
Telescope: Astro-Physics 160 Starfire | Description:Messier 88 (also known as M88 or NGC 4501) is a spiral galaxy about 50 to 60 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation Coma Berenices. It was discovered by Charles Messier in 1781. M88 is one of the fifteen Messier objects that belong to the nearby Virgo Cluster of galaxies. It is galaxy number 1401 in the Virgo Cluster Catalogue (VCC) of 2096 galaxies that are candidate members of the cluster. M88 appears to be on or ending a highly elliptical orbit, currently on an approximate or direct course toward the cluster center, which is occupied by the giant elliptical galaxy M87. It is classified as an Sbc spiral, a status between Sb (medium-wound) and Sc (loosely wound) spiral arms. The spiralling arms are very regular and can be followed down to the galactic core. (Wiki). |
Mount: Astro-Physics AP1600 GTO | Constellation:Coma Berenices. |
Camera: ZWO ASI 6200MM Pro. | Remotely Imaged With Voyager. |
Guiding:ZWO ASI174 guide Camera and 60mm Guide Scope | Type: Spiral Galaxy. |
Exposure: Twenty, Ten Minute, RGB, Sub Exposures each channel. | Position:R.A. 12h 31m 59s Dec +14° 25' 14" |
Processed using Voyager data aquisition, PixInsight and PhotoShop image processing | Date: February 2025 |
Data Acquisiton, Reduction and Processing by Jim Janusz | Imaging Location: Maor Observatory at Whitetail Hollow |
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